
Let us introduce ourselves, Brian Schofield & Karin Levin-Cassella are Lines & Letters, & proud to be in New Jersey. We have been turning out high quality vehicle lettering and signs in New Jersey for over 30 years. When we started Lines & Letters, it was all about imagination, paper & pencil, technique & ability to work with a lettering quill & paint. We still remain true to our starting foundations. We have quite a few customers that still want hand painted & airbrushed lettering. But the sign industry has migrated over the years to computers & technology to digital printing. We too, have added digital printing to our products & services. It has opened the doors to many to the sign business. But our strong experience & continued commitment to top quality design & execution has propelled us to the top of the sign industry. Our customers come from a wide range of businesses, including other sign companies, & through out the USA, even a few foreign customers in France, Canada & Mexico.

Lines & Letters has been showcased numerous times in trade magazines such as SignCraft, Sign Business, & Signs of the Times. Sign Lab International, a sign software company, has awarded us first place for design & execution for our trade. Brian has been contracted by Sign Business Magazine to design & execute 3 covers for their magazine, & has been featured numerous times in SignCraft Magazine.

The main objective at Lines & Letters is to design a logo that fits your type of business, the image you wish to portray, produce a quality finished product, & of course, draw attention to your business. Your truck and/or sign is the first thing a potential customer will see, let us
make this work for you. Your company image & lettering, & your confidence in us is “OUR” best form of advertising. Some customers, when they first come to us, only want to letter their truck for NJ commercial vehicle lettering requirements. But after explaining that first impressions are key in winning confidence in new potential customers, they begin to re-evaluate their thoughts. Our years of experience, reputation & recognition have instilled great confidence in our customers & hopefully future ones. We educate our customers about the value of great lettering & that “a great design leaves a lasting impression”.

Some food for thought: The International Sign Association (ISA) serves the sign industry as the preeminent resource for information on visual communications. Below are a few statistics from the ISA, some things you might not know about signage:

  • Signage is the least expensive but most effective form of advertising.
  • Signage can be responsible for half of your customers – that’s right, 50%!
  • Signage is so important that without it you may not get a loan for your business.
  • Signage is an investment that will pay a return many times over.
  • A well-designed, well-placed sign can generate huge profits, especially when part of an overall marketing strategy.

We are dedicated to your success. Thank you for your time & consideration. We look forward to working with you in the very near future, & your continued business!


over 30 years in business